Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Entertainment Tonight-Fun ideas

So this is a mustache napkin ring.  

Unusual Chairs

Here's a new section...unusual chairs that catch my eye.
This beauty is covered in map pieces.

Altoid tins

Using old altoid tins to make on the go candles.  This is so clever.

Tracing the tin sizes onto decorative paper.
Mod podge the paper onto the tin.  Add wicks and wax and your on the way.

For full details look here.

Theatre seats turned bench

What a neat idea.  Using old theatre seats as an entry bench.   

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Things to do with Shutters

I have always had a fascination with stylish and simple.

Here are some ideas of shutter use beyond the window.

Cool Kiddie Cakes

Tell me if this is not the cutest cake ever. And so easy for a kids birthday; just had each guest a cupcake, no cutting.